
ffigen: Dart FFI bindings generator 🔗

Experimental dart bindings generator, Parses C header files to generate dart bindings. part of [GSoC '20](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5669653688352768). [Github](https://github.com/dart-lang/ffigen) | [Pub package](https://pub.dev/packages/ffigen) | [Work details](https://gist.github.com/mannprerak2/e4530e6566b35cb94f8f1b340970973a)

Anroid Nearby Connections for Flutter 🔗

Transfer bytes and files between multiple connected devices using peer to peer networking. Flutter `Plugin` based on the android [Nearby Connections](https://developers.google.com/nearby/connections/overview) API.

Flutter Clock 🔗

A Clock UI for `smart clocks`. Features - 12/24 hour format, dark theme and weather indication.

Eventhub 🔗

A `mobile and web app` to view events at my college, DTU. View it [online](https://mannprerak2.github.io/event_hub_flutter/). Made with Flutter and Firebase.

Jigsaw Camera Puzzle 🔗

A fun `jigsaw puzzle with live camera` image, made with Flutter

Flutter Project Portfolio 🔗

My Project Portfolio, made with Flutter Web. View it [online](https://mannprerak2.github.io/flutter_project_portfolio/).

Monoply Money Game 🔗

A `flutter app` to handle money transactions in monoply with multiple connected devices on LAN